Mark Cameron Yachts

2019 Carson Interceptor – THE DASH – SOLD

Carson Interceptor 850 RIB

Mark Cameron Yachts are pleased to announce the successful sale of the 2019 Carson Interceptor 850 ‘THE DASH’.

The Carson Interceptor range of RIBs draws on the 4 decades of experience Barry Carson has amassed, designing and manufacturing advanced, heavy-duty RIB’s primarily for commercial use. With their plumb, semi-wave piercing bows and multi ‘delta’ stepped hull the Interceptor range is striking in its appearance. The ‘delta steps’ are U-shaped steps, pointing aft which recedes in form as they get to the keel line; leaving a straight, unbroken keel line; unlike other stepped hull designs. With the bow piercing through waves rather than bouncing over waves as other RIB hull forms do the boats are capable of comfortable cruising at significantly greater cruising speeds.

A bespoke, custom built, example of the Carson Interceptor 850, THE DASH was designed with the specific function of providing her owners with a highly capable and comfortable RIB from which they could explore the remoter areas of Scotland’s coastline while being self-sufficient for several days. Her aft cockpit is deep and well-protected, offer a unique drop-down boarding platform on the port side. Below decks she boasts a double berth of more than 6’5” in length along with a full galley and seating area.

Handed over to her new owners lying afloat at Ardoran Marine, near Oban the Carson Interceptor 850 THE DASH will eventually end up in her new home port on the Forth later in the summer.

Carson Interceptor 850 RIB

2019 Carson Interceptor 850 ‘THE DASH’

Carson Interceptor 850 RIB

2019 Carson Interceptor 850 ‘THE DASH’

Carson Interceptor 850 RIB

2019 Carson Interceptor 850 ‘THE DASH’

Carson Interceptor 850 RIB

2019 Carson Interceptor 850 ‘THE DASH’

Carson Interceptor 850 RIB

2019 Carson Interceptor 850 ‘THE DASH’

Carson Interceptor 850 RIB

2019 Carson Interceptor 850 ‘THE DASH’

Carson Interceptor 850

2019 Carson Interceptor 850 ‘THE DASH’